12 Social Media Marketing Tips for Every Small Business

12 Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Small Business


12 Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Though social media is a turf familiar to almost everyone, it still demands careful planning when used to market your small business. Social media marketing can be overwhelming. You need to have a plan before venturing into it.

Spend your time, effort, and funds in the right place, the right way. Here are social media marketing tips you can take note of to minimize risks and maximize your brand’s potential for growth.

1. Know where your target audience is.

Be sure you’re going where your clients, prospective and existing, are. Find out which platforms they are using. You can do this by surveying your customers or evaluating your existing network. Take time to analyze demographics you’re reaching with your posts. If your market should be working parents, check if your posts appeal to them.

2. Choose platforms to focus on.

Not all social media platforms will work for your business. If you spread yourself too wide, you’ll lose focus and run the risk of losing potential clients. Linkedin is great for reaching out to businesses or professionals. Facebook lets you tap into users from across ages with its significant reach. Instagram, on the other hand, is image-focused. Apart from these platforms, there are still others that you can use. Decide carefully which ones to go for.

3. Take cues from successful brands.

There’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from brands that have been a huge hit in social media. Follow them especially if they’re related to your business. By learning from the success of others, you’ll be able to avoid committing common social media mistakes. See how brands connect with their audience. Check out their top performing posts. If you deem a post helpful to your network, don’t be afraid to share links to your followers.

4. Create a social media content calendar.

Don’t rush your posts. Even if the number of characters you can use is limited, you’ll still need to plan what you’re posting. Don’t be too rigid, though. You want to talk human in your posts. It’s okay to have your content checked by your team members but be careful so as not to sound bland and robotic. Keeping a social media content calendar is a great way to ensure your posts are varied and that you will have something to use even if you’re running busy.

5. Ensure quality content.

As always, ensure value for every content you publish. You don’t have to post as often. Overdoing social media posting can only put off your followers. Review your posts to see which ones attract higher engagement and which ones fail to deliver. As a general rule, ask yourself if your post helps your audience solve their problems or makes them happy in any way.

6. Loosen up a little.

While you may be posting on behalf of your business, you don’t have to be too stiff. You can also inject humor or share a good laugh with your followers. Since you’re trying to connect with people, you want to be relatable. Relax and think of it as though you’re conversing with your good friends. That’s how you want your followers to feel about you, after all.

7. Always test and adjust.

Always evaluate your strategy. Audit your posts – see your network demographics, engagement rate, click through rates etc. Adjust your strategy based on your findings.

8. Promote your products and services.

Take the opportunity to promote your products and services. Announce discount offers or promotions you’re running, but do it sparingly. Providing value should still be your number one goal. If your followers are happy with what you share on social media, chances are you won’t have to do hard selling anymore. You’ll stir their curiosity, make them love you, and ultimately, turn them into customers.

9. Promote your website content.

Since your small business website is your main online marketing tool, it pays to drive your social media followers to it. Your website provides users full information about your brand, team, business philosophy, products, and services. What you can’t share on social platforms in full detail, you can on your own website. So don’t be too shy to share links on your website content when applicable. If you’re not confident about your website, talk to website designers and developers that specialize in helping small businesses. It may be time for your website to get a makeover.

10. Incorporate quality images.

Images are a great way to capture the attention of your followers. After all, consumers tend to be visual. Before they notice your text, they first see images you’re using. If you are to incorporate images, be sure it’s high quality. And if you must borrow, always give credit where it’s due.

11. Connect with your audience.

Engagement is always a two-way street. You can’t keep talking to your followers without listening to them and responding to their queries. Should you receive positive comments, take time to express your gratitude. It may be a simple like or repost. Don’t ignore negative feedback too. Be careful how you respond, though, as everyone is keeping an eye how you’ll handle the conversation.

12. Check out social media management tools you can use.

Social media management tools allow you to schedule, track, and analyze your posts in one place. There’s a lot to choose from online. To get started, try free versions and see which one you’re most comfortable with. Fees are often affordable and you can typically opt out of your subscription at any time you want. These tools will make your life easier and could benefit every small business owner.

Need Help Planning Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Web Chimpy is here. Let’s work together on finding a voice for your small business. Through the effective use of social media, we’ll help you seek ways to cut your online marketing expenses and increase your conversion rate. Contact us today to get started!

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