4 Proven SEO Tips and Tricks You Probably Missed

Feeling a little slump in terms of traffic? That’s understandable. Every website in the world has gone through the same frustrating ordeal. So don’t worry about it. It happens to everyone.

What you should be focusing on right now is how to get out of the slump.

Here are a few tried and tested SEO techniques. Apply them to your strategies and find things changing for the better.

1. Discover Wikidata.

If there’s one place that contains most of the answers, it’s Wikidata. Its content is so intense, even Google gets ideas here. It takes work to be part of the community, though. An authoritative piece is required to show credibility. You would also have to socialize with other influencers to build strong relationships.

2. Create content for Google News.

You may rarely check out what’s on Google News. But a lot of people do. Also, even the regular search page includes News as part of the results. Notice how you see that section “In the news” when you do a search? That could double your chances of being seen. Just add a news page on your site. Make sure you keep it updated. One news article or two a day would be perfect.

3.  Line up for Google Posts.

You probably noticed that carousel that shows up at the bottom of the SERP. That’s exactly what Google Posts is all about. It lets you publish content real-time. And yes, this content immediately shows up on that carousel. Of course, you’d first have to prove that you’re a credible source. Signing up for it may take time, though. At the moment, there’s a long waitlist. But the wait is definitely more than worth it.

4. Study the Skyscraper Technique.

This takes some work, but you won’t regret it. Look for top posts within your niche. Two or three will do. Now create a new piece of content based on these three articles. Make sure yours is more comprehensive. Once done, market the post. Promote it in the same places where the original posts were found. The new piece of content will definitely be seen as something that has real value. This is what you call the Skyscraper Technique.

You can raise your eyebrows at some of the ideas here. But without a doubt, these have been proven to be effective.

Do you need more tips for your content? Contact us at webchimpy.com or call (770)599-5053 and we’ll be more than happy to share more information with you.

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