How to Plan and Execute a Social Media Strategy that Gets Leads

How to Plan and Execute a Social Media Strategy that Gets Leads

A plan is only as good as its execution. Social media is only useful if it generates leads.

Admittedly, that’s a bit of an oversimplification. Certainly, there are indirect benefits of good social media (specifically for SEO). It’s true, though, especially from a productivity standpoint, that if there isn’t a coordinated strategy that is executed properly and ultimately drives revenue for the business, then it isn’t a great use of time and resources.

Here are six crucial steps that will help you carry out a killer social media strategy.

Step 1: Establish SMART goals

What level of social media marketing are you willing to invest into market your business?  How realistic are your goals? Establish your business objectives for the week, the month, and the year. Those objectives should be:

  • Specific – Anyone, even those with nothing more than base knowledge about your product or service, must understand what you’re offering.
  • Measurable – Put specific metrics to your goals, like the number of new followers, for it to be quantitatively measured.
  • Achievable – Be realistic, practical, and sensible. Don’t sell yourself short, but also, don’t trap yourself in a loop of disappointment.
  • Relevant – Make goals that help you advance toward the bigger picture.
  • Time-bound – Give your goals a deadline. Otherwise, you’ll feel no urgency and you become complacent.

Step 2: Assess your tools and your team (if there’s any)

You need to make an honest appraisal of your (and your team’s) skills to execute certain social media tasks. Also, you need to be truthful with yourself regarding the time it’ll take to accomplish all the tasks.

Depending on your other duties and responsibilities, can you realistically commit to doing the work? If not, consider hiring someone who can specifically focus on the job. You can get outside help to implement your social media strategies or a virtual assistant to carry out some less critical duties to free up some of your time.

Step 3: Depending on your goals, evaluate the period you need to commit to performing your goals

Using the goals you have established and the resources you have, calculate how much time it takes to reach your objectives and targets. Once you’ve done that, add 20%. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself room to step back to take two steps forward.

Step 4: Set deadlines and appointments on yourself to complete each task

I recommend this strategy just because it has proved helpful to me. This method helps you stick to your deadlines, particularly those that need regular input. If you set an appointment with yourself to do the work, you avoid missing deadlines because of other responsibilities, business or otherwise, you need to do.

Create a content calendar in advance. It will lessen the weight of generating new material from scratch every week. This schedule must be packed with content based on your social media goals and targets.

How to Plan and Execute a Social Media Strategy that Gets Leads

Step 5: Keep it going

Fight the impulse to abandon your goals at the first sign of obstacles. As they say, “keep calm and carry on.” There will be times when quitting seems to be the best idea especially when new tools and resources abound, but stick with your goals. Commit to the long game. It’s only the way you’ll see it through to the end.

Step 6: When you’ve executed the strategy, assess the results

What parts of the big picture worked?

What didn’t do so well?

Make changes based on your results so you can improve each time. This is the part where you can look back and find out if your focus and commitment were worthwhile. Also, this is the time to evaluate all the metrics and resources to determine which of your endeavors were the most rewarding.


Our team has helped dozens of companies launch successful social media campaigns. To speak with one of our experienced marketers, give us a shout!


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